Scorer Courses 2024/25

The Middlesex ACO runs a number of courses and workshops for scorers over the close season. There are a number of skills required to become a scorer in cricket and we’re here to help you get to grips with all of them from the very basics, to advanced techniques.

2025 Courses are now open for booking.

Introduction to Scoring

The aim of this workshop is to provide you with the basic skills and knowledge to record a cricket match in traditional box-style scorebook. It won’t teach you everything you need to know, but it will give you the tools and confidence to get started.

The workshop is approximately 4 hours in duration and topics covered include completing a scoring record, recognising umpire’s signals, standard scoring symbols.

Play-Cricket Scorer App

The aim of this workshop is to provide you with the knowledge to utilise the functionality of the Play-Cricket Scorer app for tablets and smartphones to record a cricket match.

The workshop is approximately 3 hours in duration and topics covered include match set up, scoring during a game, edits during the game and scoring a demo match. This is an interactive practical workshop where you can follow along on your own tablet or smartphone.

If your Club would like to run these workshops for your members, then please contact County Scorer Officer at

Ready, Steady, Score!

This programme aims to bridge the gap between the completion of a scoring course, be that face to face or online, and the start of the next cricket season, when new scorers can start putting their learning into practice.
The objective of the Ready, Steady, Score! workshop is to get Club Scorers (whether online or face to face participants) or any scorer wanting a refresher, to attend a cricket club one evening/afternoon pre-season and run through what they would expect to do in preparation for a match. Then practice scoring in a match and where colleagues can give tips and advice, to help these new scorers gain the confidence to score in a ‘live’ situation.

Club Scorer

This course is for anyone wanting to score on a regular basis and is the only one to comprehensively teach you how to score. It is suitable for complete beginners and existing scorers who want to fine tune their skills.
The course is 14 hours in duration over two days and teaches the basics of scoring using the ‘traditional’ Box-method paper system, as well as an overview of the Laws of Cricket as they specifically relate to scoring. Whilst it is recognised that there are a number of electronic scoring programmes in existence, the purpose of this course is to provide scorers with a thorough understanding of the foundation of scoring, which can then be applied in any situation.

Note: If you’d like to progress past ‘Club Scorer’ on the pathway, you will need to become an official member of ECB ACO.

Sundays 16th and 23rd March 2025 at Lord’s Cricket Ground. Course starts at 09:30am and is over two days.

Course closed

Level 1 – Scoring the Game

Level 1 accreditation is open to any ECB ACO member who has completed the Club Scorer course. Not a taught course, this award is attained by scoring a minimum of 10 matches and getting some colleague feedback to go in your scoring portfolio.

When you are ready for a professional discussion with a Scorer Development Observer, submit a request to County Scorer Officer at

Level 2 – Planning and Preparation

Designed for the experienced club scorer to hone their skills and progress to different formats of the game. This course covers some advanced areas of scoring and focusses on planning and preparation. After attending you will need to score another 10 matches and attend a Duckworth Lewis Stern Continuous Professional Development (CPD) module.

When you are ready, bring your portfolio for a professional discussion with a Scorer Development Observer, submit a request to County Scorer Officer at Successful candidates will be issued with a Level 2 Scorer’s certificate.

Sunday 23rd February 2025 at Lord’s Cricket Ground. Course starts at 09:30am.

Course closed

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Modules

To advance along the scorer’s pathway the following three continuous professional development modules are available to anyone from Level 1 onwards and all carry ECB ACO certificates of attendance. 

Duckworth Lewis Stern CPD module

This module is designed to explain the Duckworth Lewis Stern (DLS) method of setting a revised target when there has been a suspension in play in a one-day match. It looks at the brief history of DLS and considers the difference between DLS formats. It includes practical sessions for both DLS Professional (computer program) and DLS Standard (manual calculations). Scorers attending this module will need to bring their own laptop and the DLS professional software will be provided on the day.

Sunday 2nd March 2025 at Lord’s Cricket Ground. Course starts at 09:30am.

Course Full

Linear CPD module

This module teaches existing scorers how to complete a linear scoresheet, which is an alternative layout of paper scoresheet to the conventional box style scoring record.

The course contains a large practical element of scoring a recorded match, after spending time getting familiar with the new layout of scoresheet. Linear scoresheets make a good back-up system when scoring electronically.

Sunday 2nd March 2025 at Lord’s Cricket Ground. Course starts at 01:30pm

Course Full

Electronic Scoring CPD module

This module teaches existing scorers how to use Play-Cricket Scorer Pro software package.

To attend this module, you will need to download Play-Cricket Scorer Pro and bring your own laptop along. Please note that PCS-Pro is a Windows based software, so if you have a Mac then you will need to install Parallels Desktop or similar to enable integration with Apple operating systems

The course is a hands-on practical workshop covering setting up and scoring a match, editing entries, printing, importing/exporting and uploading results to the website.

Sunday 6th April 20025 at MitC Cricket Ground, Swyncombe Avenue. Course starts at 09:30am

To book click here

To register for any of the above courses or the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) modules click on the link below

ECB ACO Scorer courses Find a course

Level 3 – Advance Scorer

Designed for those scorers who have reached Level 2, attended the CPD module in linear scoring and who aspire to score in the higher levels of the game. 

After attending, you will need to gain match experience within the Professional Game and also gained ECB Scorer Authorisation.  You will also be required to obtain regular feedback and at least one match observation of your scoring at a higher level to be placed in your portfolio.

When you are ready, you will undertake a professional discussion with a Scorer Development Observer and bring your portfolio for review. Successful candidates will be accredited at Level 3 and issued with a certificate.

Nominations to attend this course are submitted via the Regional Scorer Officer. To apply for Level 3, please email County Scorer Officer for an Application Form.